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Hotel Pont Royal | 5*

Paris, France

Beautifully located in the heart of the Saint-Germain-des-Prés district on the left bank of the Seine, the Pont Royal hotel immerses its guests in literary and artistic Paris. Stroll through the Latin Quarter and discover its small streets filled with art galleries and the quays of the Seine, real open-air bookstores with bookstores. High place of Design, the boutiques of the boulevard Saint-Germain and the famous Bon Marché are nearby for shopping lovers. It is also where Julia Childs first stay on her arrival in Paris
A stay at the Pont Royal will irrevocably transport you to the great hours of Saint-Germain marked by Sartre, the famous Castor, and the antics of the Vian gang. Its unobstructed view of Paris will definitely make it your Parisian home.

Take me there
Deluxe room | Pont Royal